Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Peach Chicken & 15 min Polish dinner Plus...artichokes

We had the Markhams over for dinner the other night & Jon requested that I make peach chicken because I hadn't made it in a while. This is one of those rare made-up dishes that I actually remembered to write the ingredients down at the time I made it. Yay me!

The 15 min Polish dinner came about because I've been busy all day making gum paste flowers (10 roses & 6 blossoms go me) & didn't want to put much effort into dinner.Which is also why there are no pictures tonight. Sorry.  Don't worry though, I am taking pictures of the process and sometime when I have a few spare minutes (ha ha ha) & Jon's not home (because he hates when I'm on the computer for more than 15 minutes without him) then I'll put up the pictures & instructions for the flowers.Anyway, it turns out that this cheap (less than 75 cents per person) & super easy dinner rates MUCH higher on the deliciousness scale than the rather fussy butternut squash ravioli of last week so say the men in my house. That tends to be the way of it doesn't it.

Hey, if anyone has the 'perfect' pumpkin roll recipe post it. I'm searching for my favorite version and have yet to find the right one. I like to taste the spices in the cake part, & I like the cream cheese type fillings, but not too sweet. Thanks for the help.

On another note, my dear sweet little heathens, reminded me that my belly is getting bigger. E-"Mommy, I'm going to eat all my lunch so my tummy can grow big like yours" C-"No Ethan, your tummy can never get THAT big, Silly." Thanks boys for keeping me grounded I need that. =P

Anyway, for the recipes
Peach Chicken
This recipe is pretty easy, but it does require 3 pans (counting the pan you cook your rice in) so it makes cleanup a less-than-easy task.

First off, start some rice. I make about 1 cup (1/2 c dry) per person & I use calrose (medium grain) because I like the flavor & texture better, but you go with what you like.

1/2 c peach jam/preserves
1 T soy sauce
dash sesame oil
1 clove garlic
couple of hits of red pepper flakes
2 T diced peach
2 T diced onion
1 T vegetable oil
1/2 tsp coriander (which I totally forgot to add when the Markhams were here, oops)

Throw it all in a saucepan on the back burner & cook on med to med low while you do everything else.

Peach & onion topper
1 peach, peeled, pitted & thinly sliced
1/4 c onion thinly sliced
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 T vegetable oil

In a frying pan heat the oil. Add the peaches, onions, salt & sugar & saute until soft & set aside. Then wipe out this pan & use for the chicken. (If you're using canned peaches, don't put them in until the onions are soft & only let them warm up before removing. Don't stir them too much or they'll be mush).

3 boneless skinless breasts
vegetable oil for frying (peanut oil if you can afford it)

Heat some vegetable oil in your frying pan. Pound the chicken thin, salt & pepper each side & fry until golden brown on both sides. Once you put it in the hot oil don't mess with it until you can see the sides getting golden & the meat looks 'almost' done or you'll ruin the 'crust' of golden brown that will develop. It should be thin enough that this takes less than a minute per side. You'll have to do this in batches replenishing the oil in your pan as needed.

When it's all done, plate your rice then top with sauted peaches & onions, chicken then the peach sauce. It's a little sweet, a little savory & one of Jon's favorites.

15 min 'Polish' dinner
2 T veg oil
2 T butter
6 russet potatoes, peeled & diced
3/4 of a medium green cabbage head roughly chopped
1 small onion, rough chopped
1 small bell pepper, rough chopped
12 oz kielbasa sausage, cut bite-sized (I used a smoked variety, but whatever you like works)
1 tsp salt plus a little more if you like
pepper as much as you like
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp onion powder

In a large pot heat the oil & butter, add the potatoes, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, onions & bell pepper & cook 5 min. Throw the cabbage & sausage in & give it a good stir. Put the lid back on & let it cook until the cabbage is cooked to your liking. We like it mostly done, but with a bit of crunch left in it. Give it a stir ever few minutes if you think about it. I don't like sausage (I pick it out actually) but I really like this dish & I like the flavor it gives the veggies.

Brandi called tonight & asked how to cook a fresh artichoke because she's making spinach artichoke dip. While explaining it to her I decided it would be easiest for her to have pictures to look at and since I'm not going to cook an artichoke & take pictures just for her at this moment-sorry Brandi I love you but come on-I gave her this link which I will shamelessly pass on to you. Great instructions & pics on fresh artichoke preparation. Enjoy!

Off to family prayer & scriptures. Hope you have a great week!

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